South Suburban Branch Standing Rules

Section 1.

The Standing rules of this Branch shall conform to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Chicago Dental Society.

Its organization shall be in accordance with Article XX of the Bylaws of the Chicago Dental Society ratified Jan. 14, 1981.

(Hereinafter “Branch” shall designate South Suburban Branch, and “Society” shall designate Chicago Dental Society and “Board” shall designate South Suburban Branch Board.)

Section 2. Membership

The membership of this Branch shall be composed of active members in good standing assigned to this Branch by the Board of Directors of the Chicago Dental Society.

Section 3. Officers

Div. a. The officers of this branch shall be President, President-elect, and Secretary-Treasurer.

Div. b. The above officers shall be elected to serve for one year or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

Section 4. Management and Fiscal Year

Div. a. The management of the Branch shall be vested in a Board consisting of the Branch Officers, Branch Director and three (3) elected active members in good standing.

Two (2) past presidents may serve as members of the Board. All members other than the three Officers and Branch Director shall be elected for three (3) year terms, with no more than one-third (1/3) of the members elected each year with the exception of an election to fill an unexpired term. Additional board members may include but are not limited to: ISDS Officers and/or Trustees, CDS Officers, CDSF Officers and/or Trustees, DENTIL-PAC board members, Branch Correspondent, and the Dinner Chair.

Div. b. President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of this branch and shall preside at all meetings; shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors with the right to breach a tie vote if they have not already voted on the motion; shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for in these bylaws, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors; may issue calls for special meetings upon their initiative; shall have the power to fill vacancies on all committees when such filling of vacancies is not otherwise provided for in these Bylaws and shall perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of President. The President will affirm and award service awards.

Div. c. President-elect: The President-elect shall assist the President in the performance of duties, shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President, and shall succeed to the office of President in case of vacancy for any cause.

Div. d. Secretary-Treasurer: The Secretary-Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the members and the Board and keep adequate records. At the termination of their tenure, the Secretary shall turn over to the successor all books, papers, records and other properties of the office. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be custodian of all funds and monies of the Branch and shall (a) cause to be deposited with a depository selected by the Board of Directors all monies of this Branch; (b) submit books and accounts for audit, and (c) turn over to the successor all books, papers, records and other properties of the office, including funds and monies of the Branch, at the termination of tenure in office

Div. e. Branch Director to the Chicago Dental Society: The Branch Director to the Chicago Dental Society shall be elected for a three (3) year term. The Director shall act as liaison between the Branch and the Chicago Dental Society Board of Directors. The Director shall report to the Branch on matters regarding decision and policy transacted at the Board of the Chicago Dental Society. The Director has the responsibility to make Committee Appointments to the Chicago Dental Society, after consultation with the Officers of his Branch. The names of the appointees are to be submitted to the Central Office by June 1.

Div. h. Quorum: Five or more active Board members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a Board meeting, which may be conducted in-person, electronically, or a combination thereof.

Div. i. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall be from June 1 of each year to May 31 of the succeeding year.

Section 5. Meetings

Div. a. Regular meetings shall consist of business and scientific or educational sessions. The meetings may be held on the second Tuesday of: October, November, December, January, March, April and May; except: where such meetings conflict with the dates of State or National association meetings or when attendance would be severely limited due to other extenuating circumstances.

Div. b. The Board of Directors shall meet monthly or at the discretion of the President.

Div. c. Special Meetings: 

  1. Special meetings may be called, 1) by the President upon their own initiative; 2) by the written consent of a majority of the Board of Directors; or 3) by twenty (20) or more active members in good standing.
  2. Special meetings shall be called within the time limit stated in the request, provided the request shall be made to the President not less than twelve days prior to the time of the requested meeting.
  3. An electronic mail notice shall be sent ten (10) days in advance to each active member of the Branch specifying the purpose or purposes of the special meeting. No other business shall be transacted or discussed except by unanimous consent and vote by the members present.

Section 6. Quorum

Twenty-one (21) or more active members in good standing shall constitute a quorum of the Branch.

Section 7. Election of Officers

Div. a. Elective Officers: The elective officers of this Society shall be a President, President-Elect, and Secretary-Treasurer elected to serve for one year, or until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

Div. b. Nomination of Candidates

  1. By Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall submit its slate with the candidate’s consent, not later than the March meeting.
  2. By Petition: Names of candidates other than those submitted by the Nominating Committee, shall be done in writing, setting forth the names of candidates on a petition with the signatures of at least twenty-five (25) members, in good standing, of the Branch. Such petitions, together with evidence of consent from the nominee or nominees, shall be filed with the Secretary deemed the official date of filing. All such petitions must be submitted not less than twenty (20) days prior to the annual election held in April.

Div. c. Arrangement and Publication

The candidates’ name shall be alphabetically arranged under the offices for which they have been nominated and published at least once prior to the date of election by the Secretary.

Div. d. Unanimous Ballot

In the event only one candidate is nominated for any elective office, the President at the April meeting shall direct the Secretary to cast an unanimous ballot on behalf of such candidate for office.

Div. e. Election Procedure for Multiple Nominations

  1. Time and Place. The election will be held in April at a specific time and place determined by the Board of Directors.
  2. Management. The annual election of officers shall be under the management of the Board of Directors in accordance with procedures set forth in Article X of the By-Laws of the Chicago Dental Society.
  3. Issuance of Ballots. A ballot shall be issued by a board member to any member in good standing who is certified by the Secretary. At least two (2) board members must be present.
  4. Marking of Ballots. Voters shall place a cross, the lines of which must intersect within the square, opposite the name of such candidates for whom they desire to vote. Any defacing or unofficial writing upon a ballot shall invalidate such ballot.
  5. Count and Report. Immediately after closing the polls, the votes will be counted, tabulated and a report given to the membership.
  6. Tie Vote. In the event of a tie vote for any office, there shall be a new election for that particular office, which election shall be held at the following regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose.

Div. f. Installation of Officers

The officers shall be installed at a special event ceremony and shall assume their duties immediately following.

Div. g. Vacancies

In the event any elective office shall become vacant for any cause whatsoever, except as provided in these Standing Rules, the Board of Directors shall appoint some active member in good standing to fill such office for the unexpired term, or until its successor is duly elected and qualified.

President: The President-elect shall succeed to the office of President in case of vacancy for any cause.

Div. h. Election of Director to Chicago Dental Society

The South Suburban Branch shall elect one member to serve on the Board of the Chicago Dental Society for a term of three (3) years; such election to be held simultaneously with the election of the branch officers.

Section 8. Committees

Div. a. Standing Committees

The South Suburban Branch shall have the following Standing Committees:

  • Nominating Committee
  • Peer Review
  • Mediation

Div. b. Ad Hoc Committees

The Board may create Ad Hoc Committees as deemed necessary, and the President shall appoint all members of said Ad Hoc Committee.

Section 9. Duties of Committees

Div. a. Nominating Committee

  1. The Nominating Committee, appointed by the President, shall consist of any three (3) Past Presidents. The Committee will function on a majority. The immediate Past President shall be Chairman of the Committee.
  2. Its purpose is to nominate the slate of branch officers for the upcoming year. 3. The Nominating Committee also will serve as the search committee for nominating the next Branch Director. Should there be a conflict of interest among any of the committee members, the President shall appoint a replacement for the purpose of selecting the next Branch Director.

Div. b. Peer Review

It is the responsibility of this Committee to act on requests from either a third-party carrier or a dentist in matters relating to its function and scope. The Peer Review Committee will also have for its use specialists in all fields for consultation. All members of the Peer Review Committee are covered under the liability policy of the Chicago Dental Society. Specialists acting as Consultants to the Peer Review Committee on specific cases shall be considered as ex officio members of that committee, and in the minutes of the Committee listed as such, or as a temporary member of that committee for that particular case, in order that the requirements may be met for the liability coverage.

Div. c. Mediation

It shall be the duty of this Committee to receive the complaints of patients against members, and to function as a conciliation service for resolving such differences. It is not a function of this committee to make a final determination as to where the fault may lie, which is the under the purview of the Peer Review Committee.

Section 10. Rules of Order

Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the deliberations of this Branch in all cases to which they are applicable and consistent with these Bylaws.

Section 11. Order of Business

The order of business or regular meetings of this Society shall be as follows:

  • Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting.
  • Treasurer’s report
  • Report of South Suburban Director to Chicago Dental Society d) President’s report e) Report of pertinent standing committees and/or special committees
  • Unfinished business
  • New business
  • Special program

The order of business may be changed by two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present.

Section 12. Amendments or Revisions

The Standing Rules of this Branch may be amended or revised by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the active members present and in good standing, at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for this purpose, provided that the proposed changes shall have been presented, in writing, at any regular or special meeting, or emailed at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the meeting at which such action is requested


Suggested Monthly Planning Guide for Officers, Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons


President shall hold a board meeting. The following topics shall be on the agenda:

  • The President, at the recommendation of the Board, will arrange for contract with the designated meeting place.
  • The Board shall review all committee appointments, and the list shall be submitted to the Central Office prior to July 1.
  • The President shall present a program and goals for the entire year.


President shall submit a list of all proposed speakers to the Central Office prior to July 1. Letters of confirmation shall be sent to the speakers re: time, date, honorarium, and request concerning any special aids needed for their presentation.


The Board shall review their duties and formulate their goals and plans for the coming year.


The President shall hold a board meeting, to finalize and refine all programs and arrangements.


Board Meeting – if deemed necessary to evaluate reports of Committees.


Board Meeting – if necessary.




The President shall appoint the Nominating Committee.


The Nominating Committee (5) will meet, choose a slate, and arrange for publicity.


At the March meeting the Chairman of the Nominating Committee will announce the selection of candidates. The President will ask for additional nominations via petition.

The President-elect will determine a meeting place, and type of entertainment for the Installation Event.


The newly elected officers will begin to finalize planning for the coming year.


The Installation Event.

The Board will meet to formulate the monthly program for the following year (the deadline for program material submitted to the central office is July 15). The President should also clear the speaker selections with the central office.

Suggested Order of Business at Board Meetings:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Read minutes of last Board Meeting and approve
  3. Treasurer’s Report – discuss and approve
  4. Report of Director to Chicago Dental Society
  5. President’s Report
  6. Reports of Special Committees
  7. Reports of Standing Committees
  8. Unfinished Business (Tabled Motions)
  9. New Business (suggestions)
  10. Adjournment