Kenwood/Hyde Park Constitution & Bylaws
(Revised June 2023)
Section I.
The Standing Rules of this Branch shall conform to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Chicago Dental Society.
Its organization shall be in accordance with Article IV of the Bylaws of the Chicago Dental Society adopted Nov. 11, 1987.
(Hereinafter “Branch” shall designate Kenwood Hyde Park Branch, “Society” shall designate Chicago Dental Society, and “Board” shall designate Kenwood Hyde Park Board.)
Section II. Officers
The officers shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer. The officers shall serve for one year term or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. A Director of the Branch to the Chicago Dental Society is elected every three years to serve a three-year term. The succession should follow the order of the presidency.
Section III. Kenwood Hyde Park Branch Board of Directors
The management of the Branch shall be vested in an Executive board consisting of the officers, Branch Director and three (3) active Past presidents of the Branch, all of whom are in good standing. All members other than officers shall serve for a period of three years. The Chairman of the body shall be the Senior Past President. If a vacancy occurs, it shall be filled by appointment by the President with confirmation by the membership.
Section IV. Membership
The membership of this branch shall be composed of active members in good standing assigned to this Branch by the Board of Directors of the Chicago Dental Society.
A member is considered in good standing of the Branch as defined by: 1). No revocation of their dental license to practice dentistry, 2). Annual dues must be completed and remitted by March 31st as defined by the guidelines set forth by the Society.
Section V. Rights and Privileges
Any member in good standing shall have the right and privilege to attend any regular or special meeting, to receive notices and publications, and have the right to vote, hold office, and express his or her opinion in all the affairs of the Branch. (See Article VIII of the Chicago Dental Society Constitution and Bylaws.)
Section VI. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be the first day of June of each year to the last day of May of the succeeding year.
Section VII. Duties of the Officers
All officers must be in good standing at the time of nomination and election.
President: The President shall preside at all meetings; shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for in these By-laws subject to approval of the Board of Directors; may counter-sign all checks for the disbursement of funds in payment of the Branch expenses in accordance with accounting regulations and procedures established by the Board; and must issue calls for special meetings when demanded in accordance with these Bylaws; shall have power to fill vacancies on all committees not otherwise provided for in these By laws; and shall perform such other duties as usually appertain to the office of the President. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nomination Committee.
Vice President: The Vice President shall assist the President when requested; shall be privileged to attend all meetings of the Board of Directors; and shall be ex-officio member of the committees except the Nominating committee. He/She shall succeed the President in office. The Vice President shall complete the term of the President if the office becomes vacant, after which he/she reverts to the office of Treasurer the following year. The Vice President is responsible for the arrangements of the installation ceremonies of the newly elected officers. The Vice President shall be responsible for distribution of CE’s, assist with membership recruitment, retention for CDS and ISDS and other dental professionals (President Club/Dental PAC/AGD, ICD, Pierre Faucahard, and CDS Leadership groups).
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds and monies of the Branch. The Treasurer shall cause to be deposited with a depository selected by the Board of Directors; sign checks for the disbursement of funds in payment of the Branch expenses in accordance with accounting regulations established by the Board; The treasurer shall submit the books, accounts, and audit forms to CDS board of directors and accounting department bi-annually. Present monthly reports to the membership at all meetings. At the termination of his/her tenure, the Treasurer shall turn over to his/her successor all books, papers, records and other properties of the office.
Secretary: The Secretary shall attend and record the minutes of all regular and executive Board meetings and shall keep adequate records; notify members of appointments to committees; serve as Secretary of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall determine who are members of the Branch from records provided by the Society. In addition, the Secretary shall help maintain records of continuing education credit and shall be an ex-officio member of the Continuing Education Committee. The secretary shall distribute all digital copies of meeting minutes to members. At the termination of his/her tenure, the Secretary shall turn over to his/her successor all books, papers, records and other properties of the office.
Branch Director to the Chicago Dental Society: The Branch Director to the Chicago Dental Society shall act as liaison between the Branch and the Chicago Dental Society Board of Directors. The Director shall report to the Branch on matters regarding decisions and policies transacted at the Board of the Chicago Dental Society. The Director has the responsibility to make Committee appointments to the Chicago Dental Society, with approval of the Board of Directors of the Branch. The names of these appointments are to be submitted to the Society’s Central Office by the date as mandated.
Section VIII. Election of Officers
Nomination of Candidates: Candidates must be members of good standing not less than 30 days prior to the annual election.
- Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of the five (5) immediate Past-Presidents of the Branch who shall be appointed by the President with the Board of Directors approval. The senior Past President shall be the Chairman. The Nominating Committee shall submit its slate, with the Candidate’s consent, no later than the March regular meeting.
- By Petition: Names of candidates other than those submitted by the Nominating Committee, shall be done in writing, setting forth the names of candidates on a petition.Such petitions, together with evidence of consent from the nominee or nominees, shall be filed with the Secretary of the Branch, and the date of the receipt shall be deemed the official date of filing. All such petitions must be submitted prior to the elections to allow the Secretary to check the validity of all signatures.
Arrangements and Publications: The candidates’ name shall be alphabetically arranged under the offices for which they have been nominated and published by the Secretary at least once prior to the date of election.
Unanimous Ballot: In the event only one candidate is nominated for any elective office, the President at the time of the election, shall direct the Secretary to cast a unanimous ballot on behalf of such candidate for office.
Election Procedure for Multiple Nominations:
- Time and Place: The election will be held in April at a specific time and place determined by the Board of Directors.
- Management: The management of the election shall be under the control of an Election committee consisting of three (3) Past Presidents who are members of the Board of Directors.
- Issuance of Ballots: A ballot shall be issued by a member of the Nominating Committee to any member in good standing who is certified by the Secretary.
- Marking of Ballots: Voting will be conducted by written secret ballot.
- Count and Report: Immediately after closing the polls, the votes will be counted, tabulated and a report given to the membership.
- Tie Vote: In the event of a tie vote for any office, there shall be a new election for that particular office, which election shall be held at the following regular meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose.
Section IX. Vacancies
In the event any elective office shall become vacant for whatever reason, except as provided in these Standing Rules, the Board of Directors shall appoint some active member in good standing to fill such office for the unexpired term, or until the successor is duly elected and qualified except for the office of President and Vice President’s office will be filled in by the Board of Directors (see Section VII).
Section X. Committees
Committees shall be appointed annually to conform with the Chicago Dental Society Constitution By-laws and Policy Manual, by the Branch President and Director with approval of the Board of Directors.
The following Branch Standing Committees shall be appointed annually with the President and/or the Director appointing the Chairman. The President-elect may appoint a Vice Chairman to each committee as necessary. The number to serve on each committee is left to the discretion of the President.
- Board of Directors Branch Correspondence Dinner Arrangements
- Board of Directors + Ad HOC Committee Membership
- New Professional
Special Committees (AD HOC) may be appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Board of Directors, and the President shall appoint such committees at the direction of the Board of Directors, or by a majority, or special meeting called for that purpose.
Section XI. Duties of Committees
Branch Correspondence: This Committee shall submit announcements and news items concerning this Branch and its members to the editor of the official magazine of the Society, for publication therein.
AD HOC Committee:Constitution/Bylaws: This Committee shall periodically review; every three years, By-laws and Standing Rules of the Branch to determine the current relevance to the Branch.
Dinner Arrangements: The Committee shall be responsible for solicitation of members to purchase season dinner tickets and encourage attendance to dinners preceding our regular meetings. They shall have charge of members and guests at regular meetings, and in conjunction with the Secretary, shall pass upon the credentials of all persons seeking admission thereto.
Membership: This committee shall endeavor to secure practitioners for membership in the Branch who can qualify in accordance with Article VII of the By-laws of the Chicago Dental Society.
New Professional: This Committee shall interact with new professionals to encourage involvement and participation in organized dentistry.
Role of President /Program: This person shall arrange in conjunction with the Vice- President the charge of presenting the scientific programs/ sponsorship presented at the regular meetings
Role of Vice President Continuing Education: This Committee shall ensure proper continuing education credit is given and recorded at regular meetings to members when applicable. In addition, strive to interest the membership to take up special Postgraduate studies, which shall be planned for interested groups so as to obtain maximum benefits from the studies in the various phases of dentistry
Section XII. Meeting
Regular: Regular meetings will consist of business and scientific or educational sessions. The meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of the Month, except where such meetings conflict with the dates of State or National Association meetings or when attendance would be severely limited due to other extenuating circumstances. A minimum of four (4) with a maximum of five regular meetings will be held during the fiscal year.
Special Meetings:
- Special meetings may be called, A.) By the President upon his own initiative; B.) By the written consent of the majority of the Board of Directors; (C.) Twenty (20) or more active members in good standing.
- Special meetings shall be called within the time limits stated in the request, provided the request shall be made to the President not less than Twelve (12) days prior to the time of the requested meeting.
- The Secretary shall send a written notice ten (10) days prior in advance to each active member of the Branch specifying the purpose or purposes of the special meeting. No other business shall be transacted or discussed except by unanimous consent and vote by the members present.
Board of Directors: An annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held prior to the installation of officers of the ensuing year.
Section XIII. Quorum
Regular Meeting: Twenty (20) or more active members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any official meeting.
Board of Directors Meeting: Five (5) or more active Board members in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any official meeting.
Section XIV. Rules of Order
The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure (formerly the Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall govern the deliberations of this Branch in all cases to which they are applicable and consistent with these rules.
Section XV. Order of Business
The order of business of the regular meetings of this shall be as follows:
- Call to Order
- Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
- Reports of the Board and Standing Committees
- Reports of Special Committees
- Unfinished Business
- New business
- Adjournment
The order of business may be changed by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present.
Section XVI. Amendments
The Standing Rules of this Branch may be amended or revised by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the active members in good standing, present at any regular or special meeting called for this purpose, provided that the proposed changes shall have been presented in writing, at any regular or special meeting at least 28 days prior to the meeting at which such action is requested. Such proposed amendments or revisions shall be published either in the official magazine/website of the Chicago Dental Society, or in the official announcement of the next meeting, at least 10 days before the time of such meeting.