
Submit Your Meeting Announcement

The Chicago Dental Society provides the free publication of meeting announcements for dental study clubs and not-for-profit organizations in the CDS Review and online. The publication of such notices is at the sole discretion of CDS. Include the subject, date, time, location and speaker’s name and degree, as well as the name and phone or email of your contact person. Information must be submitted in writing. CDS reserves the right to edit material for space and style.

Email your meeting information to CDS

Oral Pathology: Current Trends in Bisphosphonates

Branch Meeting

Presented by Bryan Bouchelion, DDS.

at Norman’s Bistro, 1001 E. 43rd St., Chicago.

  • Cocktails: 6:30 p.m.
  • Meeting: 7 p.m.
  • Program: 7:30 p.m. 

Information: contact Irsenia Norfleet or 773.263.1113.

RSVP by May 6