
  • PEDIATRIC PRACTICE FOR SALE: Legacy Pediatric practice in the southwestern suburbs of Chicago. Collections: $1.4 million. 100% fee-for-service, six treatment rooms. Excellent team in place. Real estate available. Contact Jim Plescia,, 630.890.6074.
  • NORTH SUBURBAN FFS PRACTICE FOR SALE: Fee-for-service practice by Six Flags, five ops, $700,000 to $1.3 million in annual revenue with low overhead. No insurance hassles, payments come in right away, keeping profits high. Perfect for an owner-operator or investor seeking a scalable business with significant upside potential. Serious inquiries.
  • DENTIST COVERAGE FOR MATERNITY LEAVE: In the Loop Dental is looking for an associate dentist to cover maternity leave for 3 months starting late May. Potential to stay on permanently. Please send CV to Thank you.
  • PART-TIME DENTIST: Modern, private Romeoville practice seeks part-time dentist. Digital X-rays, Itero, 3D printers, lasers, & CBCT. Flexible hours, competitive collection-based pay. Accepts PPO ands Medicaid (no HMO). Email:
  • PARK DENTAL SPECIALISTS - ENDODONTISTS AND ORAL SURGEONS: Chicago, IL – Oral surgeon and endodontist opportunities. full-time or part-time. Join our dentist-owned, family practice at Park Dental Specialists! Contact
  • SPECIALIST AND GENERAL DENTIST OPPORTUNITIES IN EASTERN WISCONSIN: Dental Associates of Wisconsin – OMFS-pedo-perio-endo-ortho-general opportunities. 15 locations. Competitive compensation plus incentive. Benefits. Bonuses. Collaboration. Growth. Mentorship. CE. Contact
  • ASSOCIATE DENTIST: Seeking general dentist for thriving, well-established, modern private practice with 5 ops in Brookfield area. PAN/CEPH/CBCT/ scanner. Mainly PPO/ee-for-service and some Medicaid kids patients. Looking for excellent clinical and communication skills with commitment to patient care. Mondays/Wednesdays and some Fridays.
  • PART-TIME ORTHODONTIST NEEDED: Boutique style, busy dental practice located in Buffalo Grove is looking for a skilled orthodontist to join our team on Fridays. Please email your CV to
  • CHICAGO PRACTICE SALES: Call Wendy at 773.502.6000 or Call Sharon at 847.370.9131.
    ADDISON – Three ops, Fee-for-service/PPO, low overhead and low price.
    CHICAGO LOOP – Fee-for-service/PPO, Active patient base available for sale.
    CHICAGO - NORTH – Seven ops, PPO/fee-for-service. Collections $780,000. Income-producing building for sale.
    CICERO/BERWYN – Data pending.
    DES PLAINES – Four ops plus one exam room. 70% fee-for-service. Collections $600,000. Building for sale
    HINSDALE AREA – Eight ops, fee-for-service/PPO. Collections $1 million. Building for sale.
    NORTH SHORE – Six ops, fee-for-service/PPO. Collections $1.8 million.
    NORTH SHORE – Three ops, expandable. Collections $750,000. Income-producing building for sale.
    NORTH SHORE – Ortho practice - five ops, fee-for-service/PPO.
    SOUTH SUBURB – NEW! - four ops. fee-for-service/PPO. Collections $650,000.

    Income-producing building for sale, contact Wendy Pesavento, Licensed Business Broker Chicago Practice Sales | 773-502-6000 |
    Second Generation Dental Office Space
    FOR RENT & FOR SALE Visit Can't find the right practice to buy? Thinking of doing a start-up? Call The Start-up Experts & build the practice of your dreams with patients on the schedule the first day! Need Help Buying A Practice? We Offer Confidential Buyer Representation. Contact Sharon Kantor Bogetz, Licensed Real Estate Broker For IL & IN Dental Consultant 847.370.9131 |
  • KEEP WISDOM TEETH, EXTRACTIONS, BONE GRAFTING & IMPLANTS IN-HOUSE: Experienced dentist and team are available to come to your office to provide surgical services. Our focus is Wisdom Teeth and extractions and bone grafting. We offer training for doctors wanting to place implants, as well. Will bring my own assistants, supplies and grafting/bio-materials. Call/Text: 847.497.8434,