For Sale By Broker

Search Through The List Of Outstanding Practices For Sale By Area Brokers

  • CHICAGO METRO, GENERAL DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE: Established practice within 20 miles south of downtown Chicago offers real estate purchase and an early 2025 transition. $640,000 in collections, $108,000 TTH, 1,850 active patients, and three remodeled operatories. Contact Headwaters Transition: Ref# IL12324HW
  • DYER, INDIANA, PRACTICE: General practice (INNC4281), Northwest Indiana. Exceeds $1 million in collections. Fee-for-service/PPO, CBCT, intraoral impression, high traffic road, strong hygiene, real estate available. Contact Nathan Courtney at 317.397.3612,
  • WEST SUBURBAN PRACTICE FOR SALE: Well-established family practice located in a free-standing building with excellent visibility. Seven treatment rooms. Collections: $1.1 million. PPO/fee-for-service. Excellent team in place. Contact: Jim Plescia,, 630.890.6074.
  • DDSMATCH CHICAGO, TRANSITION ON YOUR TERMS: Practices For Sale:  DDSmatch Chicago, Rex Plamann 
    LARGE PLATFORM – Two practices, $8.9 million in collections, 26 operatories in total. Call to discuss. MCHENRY COUNTY – Price reduction. General practice, $735,000 in collections, three operatories, three more operatories for expansion, real estate offered, fee-for-service and insurance mix. Close to town center.
    WEST SUBURBS – General practice, fee-for-service, $700,000 in collections, five operatories, real estate offered.
    NORTHWEST ILLINOIS – General practice, fee-for-service, $1.2 million in collections, eight operatories, real estate offered.
    SOUTH SUBURBS – $1.1million in collections, 6 operatories, real estate offered, multi-specialty. ENDODONTIC PRACTICE- North Suburbs, $1,200,000 in collections, part-time hours, 4 operatories, real estate potential.
    O'HARE AREA – General practice, $400,000 in collections, three operatories, Fee-for-service, leased space.
    OAK PARK/RIVER FOREST – General practice, $400,000 in collections, four operatories, lease.
    ORAL SURGERY PRACTICE – Downtown Chicago, $1.2 million in collections, five operatories, attractive setting, many income streams, leased.
    BERWYN/CICERO – Priced to move. General practice, $700,000 in collections, four operatories with room to expand, fee-for-service, real estate offered.
    MIDWAY – General practice, four operatories, $240,000 in collections, lease.
    IROQUOIS COUNTY, IL – Bordering Indiana. General practice, $750,000 in collections, strong staff, minimal competition, real estate offered.
    LASALLE COUNTY, IL – General practice, $645,000 in collections, three operatories plus one to expand, well-maintained, leased space.
    NORTHWEST SUBURBS – General practice, $185,000 in collections, chart sale, three operatories, jump start?
    WEST SUBURBS – General practice, three operatories, $675,000 in collections, great visibility, leased space.
    ORTHODONTIC PRACTICE – Impeccable location. North suburbs of Chicago, five bays, attractive space, $325,000 in collections, solid jump start.
    SOUTH SUBURBS – General practice, $270,000 in collections, three operatories, leased space, satellite office?
    NORTHWEST INDIANA – Practice for sale, five operatories, season staffed. Leased space with great visibility, $900,000 in revenue.
    NORTHWEST INDIANA – Pediatric practice, $1.1 million in collections, five operatories, attractive neighborhood, leased space.
    Call Rex Plamann to appoint a confidential call to discuss your practicing plans. Phone: 1.855.546.0044. Email to or visit our website to learn more about our Trusted Transition Process,
  • CENTRAL ILLINOIS, TWO LOCATION DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE: Well-established general dental practice in Central Illinois, just 2.5 hours from downtown Chicago. Two locations with eight operatories, 3,000 active patients, and 40 new patients monthly. Open to all offers, including real estate. Collections of $1.354 million and SDE of $355,000. Contact PTS for details: Reference #IL42623
  • HUNTINGTON BANK – HERE TO HELP WITH PRACTICE FINANCING AND DUE DILIGENCE: Get pre-approved now and set yourself apart from other buyers. Be on dental brokers' top-of-mind with a pre-approval. Get expert due diligence advice on ownership – acquisitions or start-ups. 100% financing for start-ups, acquisitions, buildouts, expansions, partner buy-ins, refinancing, real estate purchases; or ground-up construction, and multi-practice ownership. Contact Sam Zanayed, Call/text 773.415.2999 or email